• André Köhler Odra_Rhein_Oder_Ren

    André Köhler Odra_Rhein_Oder_Ren

    Leipzig photographer André Köhler accompanied with his camera two liter- ary boat trips Oder Rhein 2004 – Grenzen im Fluss (Flowing Borders) that were taken on the occasion of Poland's entry into the EU. From Wrocław to Szczecin, and later from Rolandseck to Nijmegen, 30 writers from Poland, Germany and the Netherlands traveled down the two very different Oder and Rhine rivers. André Köhler developed his own art project about the trip, traveling alone rather than on board of the same ships. He followed over several years the trail he had found along the rivers on postcards from the 1920s and 30s, searching out the places pictured and inventing new motifs that he then depicted in his own black and white photos.

    Hardcover 20 x 25 cm 152 pages 60 tritone illustrations German, Polish Available ISBN 978-3-86828-262-7 2011


    Regina Wyrwoll


    Esther Kinsky, Regina Wyrwoll


    Selected title German Photo Book Award 2012


    Galeria Entropia, Wrocław
    30.09. – 21.10.2011

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