• Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles (Hg.) ISEA2010 RUHR 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art

    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles (Hg.) ISEA2010 RUHR 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art

    ISEA2010 RUHR, 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, is one of the foremost international festivals for electronic art. ISEA2010 RUHR will present an exhibition of contemporary artistic perspectives on the themes of technology and science. Participating artists: Natalie Bewernitz / Marek Goldowski, Aram Bartholl, Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi, Juliana Borinski, Martin John Callanan, Verena Friedrich, Terike, Haapoja, Aernoudt Jacobs, Yunchul Kim, Thomas Köner, Soiichiro Mihara, Kazuhi Saita, Hiroko Mugibayashi, Krists Pudzens, Charles Stankievech, Barbara Sterk, Vladimir Todorovic, Herwig Weiser.

    Hardcover 16,8 x 23,4 cm 144 pages 80 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-157-6 2010


    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles


    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles


    Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund
    20.08. – 05.09.2010

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