• Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles, Thomas Munz (Hg.) Trust

    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles, Thomas Munz (Hg.) Trust

    The publication TRUST explores our intuitive confidence in machines and media. Our relationship to technology and technological media is often plagued by doubts and suspicions. But despite all wariness, we still find ourselves believing these simulacra, trusting in mere technical apparatus. This book traces the aesthetic dimensions of this trust, calls it into question, and tries to both challenge the readers' convictions and at the same time to encourage them to enter into a reflexive dialogue with technological and media systems.

    Hardcover 16,8 x 23,4 cm 200 pages 40 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-158-3 2010


    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles, Thomas Munz


    Andreas Broeckmann, Stefan Riekeles


    Dortmunder U – Zentrum für Kunst und Kreativität, Dortmund
    31.07. – 05.09.2010

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