• bookmarks Wissenswelten von der Keilschrift bis YouTube

bookmarks Wissenswelten von der Keilschrift bis YouTube

The internet has radically changed our handling of knowledge. How we process, prepare, store and transfer knowledge and its forms has altered substantially from earlier practices. At the same time, the possibilities of digital technology, besides having participatory elements, undergoes aestheticization which develops diverse guises of knowledge and new forms of aesthetic experience. The catalog deals with contemporary knowledge culture via its most popular development, YouTube. Confronting this current phenomenon are forty-two important books, manuscripts and other works of the last two thousand years.

Paperback 27x15 cm 96 pages 81 illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-939583-93-6 2009


kestnergesellschaft Hannover, Frank-Thorsten Moll, Maximilian Engelmann, Georg Ruppelt, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz Bibliothek


Frank-Thorsten Moll, Georg Ruppelt, Paolo Brenni, Katharina Henkel, Alexandra Lewandowski, Maria Marten, Nina Otto, Heike Palm, Björn Schreier

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