• Brigitte Waldach Trailer

    Brigitte Waldach Trailer

    In her artist's book "Trailer", Brigitte Waldach works with the interconnection of coloured photographs and drawings conceived in red, which both centre on a lonely female figure in different locational contexts. In the photographs, which were taken in an abandoned roof top apartment in Berlin-Mitte, it is the Berlin actress Fritzi Haberlandt who in a red, somewhat old-fashioned dress with a white collar has assumed the solo role. The photographs and drawings are despite all the media specific differences interconnected by their themes as well as the predominance of the recurring colour red. In analogy to a cinema trailer, Waldach's "Trailer" is on the one hand to be understood as a promoting announcement of a planned feature film combined with animated cartoon scenes. On the other hand, it constitutes a self-contained work of art, a kaleidoscope-like structured video clip in book form.

    Hardcover 19,7 x 21 cm 64 pages 40 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-939583-60-8 2007


    Andreas Schalhorn

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