Christoph Bangert hello camel

"In my experience, the two most significant characteristics of war are horror and absurdity," says Christoph Bangert, the German photojournalist who has been documenting crises for international publications such as the New York Times for ten years. Following his examination, in his critically acclaimed book War Porn (Kehrer 2014) of the way our society deals with horrific images, in his new work hello camel he now confronts the bitter absurdity of war. He opposes our clichéd notion of modern war as a dynamic, dramatic, and heroic experience with his calm and composed, but equally odd and alien images of the wars in Afghanistan, Gaza, Darfur, Lebanon, and Iraq. Simultaneously, hello camel is a documentary of human striving to create something approximating normality in the face of violence and chaos.

Hardcover 24 x 32 cm 96 pages 44 color ills English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-683-0 2016


Christoph Bangert


Chiho Bangert



War Porn / hello camel
Forum für Fotografie, Köln
3.3. – 28.4.2018

Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation / RAY 2018
The Cube, Eschborn
23.05. – 09.09.2018

Geteilte Wirklichkeit
Haus der Universität, Düsseldorf
16.02. – 27.03.2018

Kunstmuseum Singen
14.10. – 04.12.2016

KunstKulturQuartier, Nürnberg
20.10. – 20.11.2016

Freelens, Hamburg
09.06. – 25.08.2016

Book Signings

Lumix Festival, Hannover
15. – 19.06.2016

ZEPHYR – Raum für Fotografie, Mannheim

Rencontres d'Arles 2016
Cosmos Arles Books, 05.07.2016, 16 Uhr

International Festival of Photojournalism Perpignan 2016

Book Talks #3

Kehrer Galerie, Berlin

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