Dara McGrath Project Cleansweep Beyond the Post Military Landscape of the United Kingdom

Project Cleansweep takes its name from a Ministry of Defence report issued in 2011. The report assessed the risk of residual contamination at sites in the United Kingdom used in the manufacture, storage, and disposal of chemical and biological weapons from World War I to the present day. Over 4,000 square kilometres of the landmass was appropriated for military use in the 20th century. Photographs of more than eighty sites take us to Dorset and Devon, the Peak District, the woodlands of Yorkshire, and the countryside of the Salisbury Plain, from the coastlines of East Anglia, the West Counties and Wales to the remote Scottish Highlands and the Irish Sea. The pastoral myths of the bucolic British landscape – of simple nature, a golden past – are disrupted by material realities embedded in the landscape itself.

(This introduction is adapted from The Mustard Gas in Sherwood Forest, by Deborah Lilley and Dara McGrath, published by Places Journal, June 2016.)

Hardcover 20 x 24 cm 216 pages 102 color illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-967-1 2020


Dara McGrath


Rachel Andrews, Robert MacFarlane, Dara McGrath, Ulf Schmidt


Read That Image



OPCW Annual Conference
United Nations, The Hague / The Netherlands
25. – 29.11.2019

Town Hall, Buxton, Derbyshire / UK

DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory)
Porton Down, Wiltshire / UK
May 2020

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