Deutsches Architekturmuseum UNESCO Welterbe. Eine Deutschlandreise (German Edition)

Germany is one of the countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites. At present, 36 German locations are listed, including churches and monasteries, castles and medieval fortresses, gardens and landscapes, historical towns and outstanding industrial sites. These unique cultural and natural monuments have primarily been experienced as tourist attractions thus far. There has been far less of a focus on the influence they have on today's local architecture, on the planning and development of urban and rural spaces, and in a sense on the further "expansion" of world heritage. This volume accompanies the eponymous exhibition organized by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) and its "Investment program for national UNESCO World Heritage Sites". Topical essays by renowned authorities on monument conservation shed light on the general sociopolitical and architectural implications of world heritage. In architectural travel reports and feature-pages-style accounts, expert authors in addition portray all 36 locations based on their own sensory impressions. The book is available as German or English edition.

Softcover 17 x 24 cm 264 pages 216 color illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-329-7 2013


Paul Andreas, Peter Cachola Schmal, Karen Jung


Hubertus Adam, et al., Ira Mazzoni, Hanno Rauterberg, Brigitta Ringbeck


Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt/Main
06.02. – 26.05.2013

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