• Die Bielefelder Schule Fotokunst im Kontext BILDBAND

    Die Bielefelder Schule Fotokunst im Kontext BILDBAND

    One volume of illustrations and one of texts have been published to accompany the exhibition Die Bielefelder Schule – Fotokunst im Kontext (The Bielefeld School – Art Photography in Context), organized by the city authorities and the Design Department at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences on the occasion of Bielefeld's 800th anniversary. The university, which was founded in 1971 based on a 100-year-old tradition, has a photography department that is one of the country's academic leaders in the discipline. The volume of illustrations presents the work of nine former and current photography professors at the university, as well as 15 representative works by selected graduates. In accordance with the Bielefeld School's special profile, the selection of works ranges from autonomous, pictorial photographs to sociopolitical themes and transdisciplinary photo projects. Included are both applied and artistic photography. In conjunction with the supplementary volume of historical and theoretical texts, the Bielefeld School is presented comprehensively to a wider audience for the first time. Photographers: Roman Bezjak, Katharina Bosse, Jörg Boström, Sebastian Denz, Andrea Diefenbach, Philipp Dorl, Jürgen Escher, Sibylle Fendt, Axel Grünewald, Jürgen Heinemann, Axel Hoedt, Karl Martin Holzhäuser, Gottfried Jäger, Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Norbert Meier, Tomek Mzyk, Philipp Ottendörfer, Emanuel Raab, Leif Schmodde, Sabine Schründer, Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Christian Tiefensee, Dagmar Weiss, Paula Winkler VOLUME WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Softcover 24 x 30 cm 208 pages 229 color ills. available ISBN 978-3-86828-527-7 ca. Euro 44,- VOLUME WITH TEXTS Authors: Thomas Abel, Andreas Beaugrand, Roman Bezjak, Jörg Boström, Martin Roman Deppner, Gottfried Jäger, Enno Kaufhold, Bernd Stiegler, Kirsten Wagner, Cora Waschke, Anna Zika DEUTSCH / ENGLISCH Softcover 16,5 x 23 cm 224 pages 163 b/w ills available ISBN 978-3-86828-528-4 Euro 19,80

    Klappenbroschur Two volumes 24 x 30 cm 208 pages 229 Farbabbildungen German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-527-7 2014


    Enno Kaufhold, Gottfried Jäger


    Alte Stadtbibliothek Bielefeld
    07.09. – 07.12.2014

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