Dierk Maass Highway° to' Heaven''

Panamericana – dream road of the world. 48,000 kilometers that span the entire American continent from Alaska to the Tierra del Fuego. A vital lifeline and transport route for all kinds of people and goods, a road that has given rise to legends and longing, one taken by vagabonds and soldiers of fortune alike. In the Atacama Desert, the Panamericana crosses the border between Peru and Chile, one of the driest places on earth. Here it is the only sign of life, yet at the same time claims responsibility for the region's death toll. Exhausted truck drivers and overly ambitious speeders, who underestimate the damaging effects that the extremely volatile climate has on the asphalt, often leave their lives on this highway. From the side of the road innumerable animitas (= little spirits) bear silent witness to these casualties. Faithful friends and relatives have installed these memorials, not as places of mourning, but in memory of the souls of the deceased. Dierk Maass found these creative and somewhat colorful tokens of a unique and contemporary cult of the dead so fascinating that he devoted several journeys and a series of artistic works to them entitled Highway° to Heaven".

Hardcover with dust jacket 33 x 29,7 cm 84 pages 47 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-631-1 2015


Dierk Maass


Heinrich Ackermann


Schreinerei 14, Salenstein
21.06. – 26.09.2015

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