Elis Hoffman Fading

"The images in Fading were all created in small rural towns around Sweden – places Elis had never traveled to before. By staying close to home, yet taking unfamiliar paths, he opens the door to chance. Equally, the subjects he photographs are people he has never met prior to this moment: strangers, yet they also make up the vital elements of a very personal journey – a soul searching walkabout. By studying their lives the artist discovers unexpected aspects of himself. Working like an archeologist, he investigates these foreign sites, examining the artifacts he finds there, teasing out the answers to his own deeper philosophical questions. Thus the images are as much about him as an artist and a person, as they are about his subjects. At its base Fading explores these these simple facts: Seasons change; leaves fall from the trees and die, winter moves in – everything is constantly fading. Spring arrives, restoring life and as quickly as new seedlings emerge, fading begins again. Each second ends as it begins. This is what Elis Hoffman pays silent witness to through his images – the exploration of this transitory nature in all things. Observing Elis' journey we feel no sense of separation between photographer and subject, what we experience is instead a deep collaboration." (Peggy Sue Amison)

Elis Hoffman (b. 1979) is an award-winning photographer based in Stockholm. He was awarded a Swedish Arts Grant to realize Fading.

Hardcover 30 x 24 cm 72 pages 36 color illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-590-1 2014


Elis Hoffman


Peggy Sue Amison


Kehrer Design (Anja Aronska)



Winner of the Swedish photo award "TT:s stora fotopris 2014"


Kehrer Galerie, Berlin
24.06. – 05.08.2017

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