• Enrique Asensi SkulpturenPark / Parque de Esculturas

    Enrique Asensi SkulpturenPark / Parque de Esculturas

    Enrique Asensi is situated in the grand tradition of Spanish sculpting. In his sculptures he combines the two classic materials steel and stone: Corten steel contrasts with such differently-colored stones as diabase, dolomite, granite, limestone, or alabaster. Asensi sees and thinks sculpture from the surface outward. He composes spatial picture views. As he does so, the flatness of the steel contrasts with the stone's sculpturally designed, relief-like surface. The color values of steel and stone form a harmonious whole. Alongside the macroview of the sculpture as a whole, Asensi creates microviews of details, such as perspectives, slits, curves, and layering. The sculptor Enrique Asensi, born in 1950 in Valencia, lives and works in Barcelona and Cologne. Asensi's works can be found in numerous collections and exhibitions, and he is also present in the public space with various sculptures in both Germany and Spain.

    Hardcover 23 x 30 cm 176 pages 114 color illustrations German, Spanish Available ISBN 978-3-86828-694-6 2016


    Enrique Asensi


    Ralf-P. Seippel, Enrique Asensi


    Ralf-P. Seippel, Enrique Asensi





    Skulpturenpark Enrique Asensi, near Barcelona
    Sommer 2016

    Museum Centro del Carmen, Valencia
    Herbst 2016

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