• Gewahrsam Räume der Überwachung

    Gewahrsam Räume der Überwachung

    The old police prison in the Klapperfeldgasse was closed down a few years now, and now awaits demolition. The building was erected in 1888 parallel with the police headquarters at Zeil 60, where the new Higher Regional Court building stands today. In addition to the colorful history of Frankfurt police custody, this catalogue also paints a historical tableau of prison typologies that pursue various concepts for imprisonment and supervision. In line with Foucaults text "Discipline and Punish," the discourse of penal institutions is followed based on the diverse forms these facilities have taken since early modern times. By comparing them with other types of buildings, such as industrial plants and residential settlements, healthcare institutions or churches, hidden strategies for control and channeling of forces can be elucidated. Ever since 9/11, people have called for more effective surveillance techniques for the protection of society. The perceived need for greater security and prevention has placed the debate on criminal supervision in a new light. In addition to the facilities where this supervision takes place, the available technologies are discussed as well. This catalogue is being published to accompany the exhibition "Gewahrsam. Räume der Überwachung" taking place at the former police prison in Frankfurt.

    Softcover 17 x 19 cm 120 pages 59 color and 34 b/w illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-939583-22-6 2007


    Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Yorck Förster, Arne Winkelmann


    Bernd Belina, Yorck Förster, Dietmar Kammerer, Kurt Kraus, Arne Winkelmann, Nils Zurawski

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