Heiko Wommelsdorf Atelier

In this publication, the atelier is paramount. Supported by a grant from the HAP Grieshaber Foundation in Reutlingen, Heiko Wommelsdorf converted his own workspace into a gallery for the presentation of various works of sound art. The current catalog provides an overview of the installations created during this period. The works were all photographed and filmed (accessible via a link) under the same conditions and are accompanied here by descriptive texts. Wommelsdorf (b. 1982 in Bremen), who studied under, among others, Arnold Dreyblatt and Ulrich Eller, has been working the field of sound art since 2007. With his materially reduced installations, Wommelsdorf concentrates on everyday acoustic phenomena. Discoveries made in urban spaces are transported into an exhibition context, where the recipient is then invited to experience these in the studio setting.

Swiss brochure binding with dust jacket 17 x 24 cm 96 pages 70 color illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-719-6 2016


Städtisches Kunstmuseum Spendhaus Reutlingen


Martina Köser-Rudolph, Julia Katharina Thiemann, Heiko Wommelsdorf



Städtische Galerie Reutlingen
30.04. – 24.07.2016

Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken
12.05. – 26.06.2016

KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Hannover
18.05. – 02.06.2016

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