• James Beckett monograph: 1998 – 2008

    James Beckett monograph: 1998 – 2008

    The work of South African artist James Beckett (*1977) stems from research-based activity, looking quite naturally backwards. The evolution in specific areas of the industrial revolution have played muse; such as the foundation of synthetic color manufacture and its relationship to BASF, and the cultural implications of vacuum tubes for the Dutch firm Philips. His works often follow nonsensical lines of exploration along such paths, resulting in historical interventions, in the form of sculpture, sound and print. Included in this monograph are details of Beckett's own registered tartan, a Scottish fabric whose pattern is a tabulation of the first stomach digestive experiments.

    Softcover 21 x 29,7 cm 112 pages 100 color and 60 b/w illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-031-9 2009


    James Beckett


    James Beckett

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