• Kaleidoskop Hoelzel in der Avantgarde

Kaleidoskop Hoelzel in der Avantgarde

Published to mark the 75th anniversary of his death (1934 in Stuttgart), this comprehensive catalog sheds light on the significance of Adolf Hölzel as a pioneer of European avant-garde art. Born in 1853 in Ölmütz (Moravia), Hölzel opened up a new chapter in modern painting, developing his own independent approach to the modern picture. His goal was not so much to do away with representation altogether, but more to bring out the picture's true nature as a "flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order" (Maurice Denis). Hölzel's efforts were echoed by other artists across Europe – by Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian and Robert Delaunay, for example. His innovative pictorial solutions often recall a kaleidoscope in which the artist brings together a variety of colors and forms to create a unified picture. Hölzel's thoughts on art, conveyed by his students Johannes Itten and Oskar Schlemmer at the Bauhaus, and by Willi Baumeister as well, constituted a theoretical basis for Modernism for subsequent generations.

Hardcover 25,5 x 30,4 cm 390 pages 503 color and b/w illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-089-0 2009


Adolf Hölzel


M. Ackermann, G. Leistner, D. Spanke, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart


M. Ackermann, A. Klee, G. Leistner, M. Linger, M. Pogacnik, U. Röthke, N. Smolik, D. Spanke, K. von Maur, C. Wagner, R. Zieglgänsberger, A. Plank


Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
11.07. – 01.11. 2009

Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg
29.11.2009 – 28.02.2010

Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Stuttgart
17.10.2017: Vortrag im Rahmen der "Hölzel-Gespräche"

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