Kunstmuseum St.Gallen Ambigu

Ambigu is French for "ambiguous," meaning "open to more than one interpretation. " Ambiguity was not a quality found in the art of the 20th century, which stood more for straightforward stances. But then postmodernism opened up the field of painterly possibilities, leading to more hybrid, equivocal artistic attitudes, as anticipated in an exemplary fashion in the work of Raoul De Keyser and Mary Heilmann. This catalog, accompanying the exhibition at Kunstmuseum St. Gallen from 05.06. until 02.09.2010, juxtaposes works by the two older artists, now considered "classic," with pieces by contemporary artists including Pia Fries, Shila Khatami, Rebecca Morris, Xavier Noiret-Thomé, Giacomo Santiago Rogado, Alejandra Seeber, Monique van Genderen and Matthias Zinn.

Hardcover 22,5 x 28 cm 104 pages 80 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-163-7 2010


Konrad Bitterli


Konrad Bitterli, Steffanie Kasper, Nadia Veronese, Roland Wäspe

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