Laura J. Padgett Raum über Zeit

This book of photographs is about paying attention to the transitory. It contains images of processes, some of which solidify into concrete space, some of which disappear. Laura J. Padgett's sensitive observations of the ephemeral, of palpable materiality and light, of the loss that is often involved when creating something new, are chronologically combined in this book resulting in a narrative of shifting surfaces resolving into form. The Städel Museum in Frankfurt a.M. served as muse for the artist's perceptual contemplations on transience, permanence and the abstract beauty. Padgett's background in painting and film informs this body of work which she photographed from January 2010 until January 2012, during construction of the museum's new wing and renovation of its existing building by the architectural firm schneider+schumacher. This book presents a choice selection of her analogue photographs of this two year period, offering insight into space, time and perceptual poetics while never neglecting the concrete reality of the object of inquiry. Since 1990 Laura J. Padgett has exhibited and her films have been screened internationally, for example, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris and Martina Detterer in Frankfurt. In addition to her exhibiting activities, she has photographed specific building situations for publication. In the summer of 2005 she photographed Peter Zumthor's newly built studio residence. These photographs have been published in his book of essays "Thinking Architecture" (2006 and 2011).

Hardcover 20 x 23 cm 112 pages 91 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-278-8 2012


Adrian Giacomelli


Open Equations
Galerie—Peter—Sillem, Frankfurt/Main
07.09. – 19.10.2019

somehow real
Museum Giersch, Frankfurt
25.07. – 27.08.2017

Confined Space
Heussenstammstiftung, Frankfurt/Main, 2015

18. Künstlerfahnenfestival, Eppingen, 2014

Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
26.05. – 14.07.2013

Städel Museum, Frankfurt/Main
06.03. – 23.06.2013

Neuer Kunstverein Gießen
08.09. – 27.10.2012

Kunstmuseum Ahlen
26.02. – 03.06.2012







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