Mathilde Helene Pettersen I need a kiss before they leave

»Stop time. I want you here forever. Never grow up. Never leave.«

I need a kiss before they leave is an emotional family portrait, filled with immense joy, but also with a disturbing realization of a wonderfulness that cannot be stored. It reflects upon a human desire to freeze time, to forever savoring those moments which are destined to live on only as distant memories.

Photography is of course the artistic technique to actually freeze time and to store a split second forever. In this book, Norwegian photographer Mathilde Helene Pettersen captures an entire parenthood, with all its bright and dark moments. I need a kiss before they leave reflects on becoming and being a mother, on building a family, on the immediate and unpredictable, on strengths and fragilities in life, and sometimes on the overshadowing fear of death and the irreversible.



Hardcover 17 x 23 cm 112 pages 101 color illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-963-3 2019


Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger


Kehrer Design (July Mollik)



Norwegian Documentary Photography
Henie Onstads Art center Oslo, Norway
23.08.2019 – 12.01.2020

Artist Meeting
Sørlandet’s Museum of Art, Kristiansand, Norway
19.03. – 31.08.2020

Book Signings

Kehrer Verlag@Paris Photo
8 November 2019, 4pm

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