Michael Bader 100 Faces of Myanmar

Myanmar is awakening. After almost half a century of dictatorial oppression and self-isolation, the country is enroute to democracy. International sanctions have been loosened, free elections already held, and now the opposition has to show, whether they can deal with the newly acquired governmental co-responsibility. After 20 years of house arrest, Daw Aung San Suu Kyis, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate of 1991, has a chance to help shape Myanmar's future. But these new liberties are also opening up old wounds. For example, long-suppressed ethnic conflicts are now becoming visible, and put the young democracy to an acid test. It remains to be seen how far the political transition will go and what effects this will have on the lives of the Burmese. Regardless of the tense political situation, Michael Bader presents the everyday life of a colorful, multilayered Myanmar in his photographs. The snapshots which were were taken in the beginning of 2013 depict a little-known extract of the life of the Burmese. During his work, the photographer was surprised by how open and natural the people were in front of the camera. They allowed him insight in their private and domestic settings. In his portrays Bader manages to convey their vitality and their deep ties to the Buddhist religion, but at the same time, his protagonists seem oddly familiar. Since 2008, the association 'Burmahilfe Leipzig' has developed numerous projects, but mainly to support children in this country. For example, three school buildings and numerous teachers' salaries have been able to be financed. 100% of the proceeds received from the sale of the book will be donated to the association.

Hardcover 24 x 20 cm 112 pages 117 color and b/w illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-465-2 2013


Michael Bader


Guntram Fischer, Michael Bader, Jens Eßbach, Michael Lidauer


Kulturverein Kunstregen, Galerie Trafo 1
near Frankfurt/Oder
15.12.2013 – 20.02.2014

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