Mira Bergmüller Inventur

The artist Mira Bergmüller provides glances into spaces within the abbey church of St. Margaret in Waldkirch, to which the broader public otherwise has no access. She describes the church from the perspective of its daily use and thus enhances awareness of art and architecture as witnesses of a history of faith between ostensible banality and poetry. The forgotten meets with the converted, the precious with the simple. Converted and old spaces and objects tell a tale of profound faith, which reveals itself in the simplicity of everyday life in the church. Between the photographs one finds sketches of the spaces she wandered through, thus playing with the boundaries between documentation and atmosphere. She refers to architectural drawing without adopting this one to one, using it instead as an illustration of vague memories and spatial perception.

Hardcover 17 x 24 cm 96 pages 60 color and 6 b/w ills. German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-879-7 2018


Katholische Seelsorgeeinheit Waldkirch


Mira Bergmüller, Heinz Vogel, Isabelle von Marschall


Katja Bode


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