• Paula Rae Gibson I'll always walk away

    Paula Rae Gibson I'll always walk away

    After diary of a love addict, Paula Rae Gibson is now bringing out another exciting collage of reworked photographs and poetic fragments. The book is once again about personal experiences, but the artist's grief at the loss of a loved one is no longer the focus, having instead given rise to a true outbreak of creativity. Also attesting to this are the collage-like film clips on the DVD included with the book. Here, Gibsons sensitive pictorial language is complemented by her talents as composer and singer. Gibson, *1968 in London, began taking photographs as an autodidact following a tragic car accident. Her work has been shown internationally. She has recently begun working on films and songs as well. Her first solo album, No More Tiptoes, was released in summer 2007 at 33 Jazz (http://www.33jazz.com/). "A trenchantly individual piece of work,No More Tiptoes, (...) Stripped down to just keyboard and voice, music-makeing doesnt get much more personal than this." The Song "God Blinked" you can download for free on this site, for more information, songs and videos see: http://www.myspace.com/paularaegibson http://www.babellabel.co.uk/paularaegibson.htm Concert dates: 3.9.2007, 8:45pm – Vortex Jazz Club, London (UK) 23.9.2007, 7pm – Someones garden, Shibuya Tokyo (J) January 2008 – Deutsch Amerikanisches Institut, Heidelberg (GER)

    Softcover with DVD (music videos) 24 x 18 cm 384 pages 190 color illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-939583-51-6 2007

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