Radiophonic Volume 2 Radiophonic Materials

Radio, which developed over the course of the 20th century into a crucial form of communication, is currently undergoing processes of fundamental reorganization under the general heading »digitalization.« When considered under the older term »radiophonics,« these processes unleash conceptual possibilities that surpass the simple scheme of economization or the acceleration of production- or broadcasting-forms. These conceptual possibilities are addressed by the exhibition Radiophonic Spaces, as well as by the conference Radiophonic Cultures–Sonic Environments and Archives in Hybrid Media Systems and the accompanying two-volume publication:
Vol. 1 Radiophonic Cultures presents the current state of the discussion revolving around radiophonics, including its history and possible future, in light of the questions raised during the conference. Vol. 2 Radiophonic Materials brings together key texts from the history of radiophonics, which have not yet received adequate attention, especially in the German-speaking world.

Texts by:

Theodor W. Adorno, Robert Adrian, Rudolf Arnheim, A/traverso, Gaston Bachelard, Bertolt Brecht, Max Butting, John Cage, Alejo Carpentier, Jacques Copeau, Alvin Curran, Pierre Cusy, Bruce Davis, Paul Deharme, William du Bois Duddell, Hanns Eisler, Fritz Enkel, Birgit Kempker,, Reginald A. Fessenden, Gabriel Germinet, Hugo Gernsback, Steve Goodman, Walter Gronostay, Hans Werner Henze, Ute Holl, Ralf Homann, Mauricio Kagel, Richard Kostelanetz, Geert Lovink, Jörg Mager, F. T. Marinetti, Pino Masnata, Michaela Melián, Pauline Oliveros, Max Picard, William Henry Preece, Piero Santi, Pierre Schaeffer, Arnold Schoenberg, Heinz Schütz, Lance Sieveking, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nikola Tesla, Robert Walser, Kurt Weill, Gregory Whitehead

Softcover 17 x 24 cm 448 pages 53 ills. German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-863-6 2023


Ute Holl, Jan Philip Müller, Tobias Gerber


heodor W. Adorno, Robert Adrian, Rudolf Arnheim, A/traverso, Gaston Bachelard, Bertolt Brecht, Max Butting, John Cage, Alejo Carpentier, Jacques Copeau, Alvin Curran, Pierre Cusy, Bruce Davis, Paul Deharme, William du Bois Duddell, Hanns Eisler, et al.


Kehrer Design (Nick Antonich)


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