• Skulpturen am Radweg Kunst in der Landschaft

    Skulpturen am Radweg Kunst in der Landschaft

    Helping people to experience art and culture in a whole new way – this is the goal of the extraordinary project "Sculptures Along the Cycle Path – Art in the Landscape." Set against a picturesque countryside, the 77-km-long Sculpture Cycle Route connects the regions tourist destinations while itself becoming an original sightseeing highlight. The project began with a sculpture competition held by the state academies of fine arts in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart, and the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle. From the works submitted by the young artists, an expert jury selected 18 sculptures that now await the cyclist along the route. Additional sculptures will join them in the future, inviting cyclists to embark on new journeys of discovery.

    Hardcover 20 x 24 cm 96 pages 26 color and 22 b/w illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-933257-53-6 2007


    Dorothee Höfert, Claudia Pohl, Christmut Präger, Peter Anselm Riedl, Petra von Olschowski

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