Ulrich Seidl Safari

Africa. In the endless wilderness, where bushbucks, impalas, zebras, gnus, and other animals live by the thousands, they go on vacation: German and Austrian hunting tourists drive through the bush, lie in wait, and stalk their prey. And then they shoot, cry from excitement, and pose in front of their bagged game. Safari – Ulrich Seidl’s award-winning »vacation film about killing, a film about human nature.« Now in the form of a book about the question of how one can let death and nature, Western colonialism and a repressed »third« world, speak for itself in a neutral way within the frameworks of photographic and filmic images. The photobook Safari juxtaposes carefully composed »shots« precipitously wrested from the moment with essays by authors such as Michael Köhlmeier and an interview with Ulrich Seidl.

In 2001, the director, author, and producer Ulrich Seidl (b. 1952 in Vienna) was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival for Dog Days, his feature film debut. This was followed by, among others, the award-winning Paradise trilogy (2012), the films of which celebrated their premiers in Cannes, Venice, and Berlin, as well as by In the Basement (2014) and Safari (2016).


Hardcover 30 x 23 cm 176 pages 58 color and 11 b/w ills. English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-822-3 2022


Ulrich Seidl


Claus Philipp


Sibylle Berg, Felix Hoffmann, Michael Köhlmeier, Claus Philipp, Georg Seeßlen Interview by Felix Hoffmann and Markus Keuschnigg with Ulrich Seidl


Axel Völcker



In the competion of the International Film Festival Berlin / Berlinale 2022:
Ulrich Seidl: Rimini (2022)
10. – 16.02.2022

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