Vorbild Deutsche Sportler 1967 bis 2007

The publication Vorbild is an encounter with the foremost figures of the past forty years of German sports history. Frankfurt photographer Michael Ehrhart has induced 41 top athletes to reveal their more private side, allowing him to portray them in their favorite places. Among those featured are Heide Ecker-Rosendahl, Uli Hoeness, Joachim Deckarm, Michael Gross, Franziska van Almsick, Dirk Nowitzki, Katja Seizinger and Steffi Graf. A portion of the proceeds from sales of the book will be used by the Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe to foster young talent. The book will be presented at the Ball des Sports in February 2008.

Hardcover 24 x 30 cm 96 pages 41 color illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-939583-81-3 2008


Michael Ehrhart

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