Wien Museum Augenblick! Straßenfotografie in Wien

This richly illustrated publication presents masterpieces of street photography from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day from the collections of the Wien Museum: impressive street scenes, intimate snapshots, and fleeting candid images of urban life. En passant, these images also tell the story of a rapidly changing metropolis. They capture the hustle and bustle of the city on its streets, squares, and markets, capture unexpected encounters, and document moments of decel-eration and pleasure. The photobook draws a new, suggestive por-trait of the metropolis on the Danube and invites the reader on an exciting photographic journey of discovering.

Photographers: @alexandermagedler, @a_l_x_ender, Victor Angerer, Andreas Baumann, Raphael Bolius, Bill Brandt, Renata Breth, Matthias Cremer, Otto Croy, @davidscholl_, Gerti Deutsch, @dietrichalex, @emese_benko, @enrico_marcus_essl , Kurt Erkinger, Ernst & Cesanek, @f.ienna, Trude Fleischmann, Michael Frankenstein & Comp., Martin Gerlach jun., Martin Gerlach sen., Gerlach & Wiedling, Ernst Haas, Robert Haas, Wolfgang Hamerschlag, Ernst Hausknost, Bodo Hell, Hermann Heid, Albert Hilscher, Franz Hubmann, Franz Holluber,, Leo Jahn-Dietrichstein, Gerhard Jurkovic, @kenmarten, Julius Lengsfeld, Erich Lessing, Alfredo Linares, Jan Lukas, @lukas_pellmann, Georg Petrasch, Reinhard Mandl, @manolo.ponte, @math.brau, Emil Mayer, Franz Mayer, @maxhabdank, Elfriede Mejchar, @misterflopatrick, @mlg.mike, @monday82, Moriz Nähr, @nelo_ruber, @niko.havranek, @peggypoetry, Barbara Pflaum, @philipp_mberg, Österreichische Lichtbildstelle, Hans Popper, @p_p_ph0t0s, @rafaelwien, Bruno Reiffenstein, Heinz Riedler, @rob_labuh, Lothar Rübelt, Edith Tudor-Hart (geb. Suschitzky), Didi Sattmann, @schillerstreetphoto, Christian Schreibmüller, Anton Carl Schuster, Charles Scolik jun. & Marie Mertens, @shandranick, @sibirskypunk, Christian Skrein, John Smith, @sophie_koechert, Rudolf Spiegel, @spoti, August Stauda, Heinrich Steinfest, Friedrich Strauß, @_strawanza, @streetphotographer_stritzi, Carl Triebel, Gerhard Trumler, Rudolf Ullrich, @vienna_wheelchair_view, Eva Völkel, Emanuel Wähner, Harry Weber, Mario Wiberal, Carl von Zambon

Texts by: Susanne Breuss, Matti Bunzl, Berthold Ecker, Anton Holzer, Christine Koblitz, Wolfgang Kos, Marion Krammer, Frauke Kreutler, Lisa Noggler, Martina Nussbaumer, Michael Ponstingl, Marie Röbl, Peter Stuiber, Margarethe Szeless, Susanne Winkler, Irina Witoszynskyj

Softcover 24,5 x 30 cm 448 pages 392 color and b/w illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-96900-024-3 2021


Anton Holzer, Frauke Kreutler


SCHIENERL D/AD, Christian Schienerl



Wien Museum MUSA
19.05. - 23.10.2022

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