Yorgos Karailias Estranger

ESTRANGER is Yorgos Karailias' four years' imprint of personal experience as a voluntary immigrant from Greece to Spain. The broad area of two geographically opposite European borders and part of the inbetween continent form the stage of this incomplete transitional route, which is attuned in a way to the recent critical situation in Europe. The book is articulated in three chapters, which serve as indexes of the subjective psychological alterations that lay behind the photographic act and at the same time as ex-post narrative junctures of fragmented visual traces of life.

Hardcover 15,5 x 23 cm 160 pages 76 color illustrations English Available ISBN 978-3-86828-501-7 2015


Yorgos Karailias, Yorgos Prinos


Yorgos Karailias


Yorgos Karailias

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